Author: Travis
I have a pattern that I fall into, and I wonder if anyone else goes through this process. Your first answer (particularly if you’re in technology) might be to …
The people with the Blackberries hide. In a world of iPhone and Android devices (and for the later, it falls into the camps of Samsung and everything else) the …
Why this is new news is anyone’s guess, but a few stories making the rounds this week center on “automated beautification”, aka the redeye filter has expanded to clear …
Bad news for fans and users of the Nook, which given recent numbers is something like 4 or perhaps 5 of you. Barnes and Noble issued a statement today …
Proving that an Alan Wrench can’t solve every problem, IKEA faces mounting customer outrage after it was discovered that their signature meatball dish contained horse meat. Let’s …
Last year there were a number of articles on the “glorious wonders of wood pulp”, which somehow became 2012’s “wonder material”, largely due to the formation of something called …